In most Officers’ Messes there were fairly regular functions -Dining In/Ladies Guest Night every month or two, a Burns Night at the end of January, a Summer Ball and a Christmas Draw. Obviously there was also a fair share of informal gatherings such as Happy Hours etc. I hope the following pictures will give some indication of life in the Officers’ Mess at Saxa in the 90’s
Programme for Burns Night - 26 Jan 1991

Programme for the Summer Ball - 5 Jul 1991
Departure of Sqn Ldr Kevin Hann/Arrival of Sqn Ldr Bill Gray – 1995
I presume the 3 photos below are of some kind of send off and welcoming at the changeover of the Stn Cdr; the pictures were taken at the doors to the Mess.
After the meal at a Dining In Night 1995 or 96
Christmas Draw - 1995 or 96
I would like to thank Al Callow & Ian Price for help in identifying some of the people in the photos above.
As I have said elsewhere – I would like to be able to cover events in the other Messes and Clubs but unless someone else has material I can use I won’t be able to.
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