One reason why many people have happy memories of Saxa is the number of events arranged for entertainment and/or charities. For whatever reason community spirit was more in evidence and inhibitions were less obvious.
The photos below are all of the same family event on the Norwick Beach . I’m not sure when it took place but I would guess it was in the early 8
0’s (shows what I know about dates - see comments at the end of the section!). It would be a normal summer’s day for Unst – no swimsuits but the occasional parka and fleece on view. If any of the participants would like to get in touch to give me more information I will happily update this section.
0’s (shows what I know about dates - see comments at the end of the section!). It would be a normal summer’s day for Unst – no swimsuits but the occasional parka and fleece on view. If any of the participants would like to get in touch to give me more information I will happily update this section.
I am afraid that I have been unable to find out who took these pictures. If he/she reads this I will add the appropriate credits or remove the photos if necessary. I have published them as I believe they could provide a few happy memories. (Left click on picture to enlarge)