Tuesday, 9 March 2010

AOCs Inspection 1967

In 1967 the Commanding Officer of RAF Saxa Vord was Sqn Ldr RG Sparkes MBE, DFC. He was quite short in stature and perhaps not the most popular man I’ve worked for. The Annual Inspection was carried out by Air Commodore EV Stokes CBE BSc who was Air Officer Engineering at HQ 11 Gp. As far as the Sqn Ldr Sparkes  was concerned the Inspection must have been successful as the was promoted to Wg Cdr rank the following year and posted  to take over as CO of RAF Western Hill (on the Island of Penang, just off the west coast of mainland Malaysia). Having visited Western Hill twice I can confirm that it could not have been considered a punishment posting!

The article below is from the Shetland Times and the photos below were taken during the Annual Inspection. (Left click on pictures to enlarge):-